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duminică, 12 februarie 2012

Conan The Barbarian (2011) Download Film + Subtitrare RO

Conan The Barbarian (2011)Conan, legendarul luptător care timp de opt decade a fascinat întreaga lume, revine pe marile ecrane într-o ecranizare nouă şi extrem de spectaculoasă, în format 3D. Martor la asasinarea tatălui său şi la distrugerea până în temelii a satului în care a copilărit, Conan este mai hotărât ca niciodată să se răzbune şi porneşte în căutarea asasinilor.
Crescut în lumea fără scrupule a nelegiuiţilor, luptătorul a deprins toate tertipurile necesare pentru a-i înfrunta pe cei mai cumpliţi inamici: căpcăuni, monştri terifianţi şi vrăjitori cu puteri inimaginabile. Războiul sângeros îl duce pe Conan pe căi nebănuite şi lupta lui pentru supravieţuire ajunge mai repede decât şi-a imaginat la dimensiuni epice. Poporul său din Hyboria este acum în pericol de moarte, iar Conan este singurul care poate face faţă încleştării cumplite cu forţele malefice care îi ameninţă.

Calitare: DVDrip

Download Film + Subtitrare – wupload

Download Film + Subtitrare – filesonic

Download Film + Subtitrare – filejungle

Download Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS: GO) BETA! NOW FREE ! [V1]

CLICK ON DOWNLOAD BETA ! FREE !  - counter-strike global offensive beta - trebuie doar sa mai asteptam un mic crack (cand va aparea, il vom adauga aici)

Detalii sursa:
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS: GO) will expand upon the team-based action gameplay that it pioneered when it was launched 12 years ago.

CS: GO features new maps, characters, and weapons and delivers updated versions of the classic CS content (de_dust, etc.). In addition, CS: GO will introduce new gameplay modes, matchmaking, leader boards, and more.

"Counter-Strike took the gaming industry by surprise when the unlikely MOD became the most played online PC action game in the world almost immediately after its release in August 1999," said Doug Lombardi at Valve. "For the past 12 years, it has continued to be one of the most-played games in the world, headline competitive gaming tournaments and selling over 25 million units worldwide across the franchise. CS: GO promises to expand on CS' award-winning gameplay and deliver it to gamers on the PC as well as the next gen consoles and the Mac."



Zoom in (real dimensions: 1280 x 720)Imagine

Zoom in (real dimensions: 1280 x 720)Imagine

Ardamax Keylogger 3.8.9 + Serial (licenta merge si nu are virusi) [FREE]

Ardamax Keylogger is a keystroke recorder that captures user's activity and saves it to an encrypted log file. The log file can be viewed with the powerful Log Viewer. Use this tool to find out what is happening on your computer while you are away, maintain a backup of your typed data automatically or use it to monitor your kids. Also you can use it as a monitoring device for detecting unauthorised access. Logs can be automatically sent to your e-mail address, access to the keylogger is password protected. Besides, Ardamax Keylogger logs information about the Internet addresses the user has visited.

This invisible spy application is designed for 2000, XP, 2003, Vista and Windows 7.

Keylogger Features:

* Email log delivery - keylogger can send you recorded logs through e-mail delivery at set times - perfect for remote monitoring!

* FTP delivery - Ardamax Keylogger can upload recorded logs through FTP delivery.
* Network delivery - sends recorded logs through via LAN.
* Clipboard logging - capture all text copied to the Windows Clipboard.
* Invisible mode makes it absolutely invisible to anyone. Ardamax Keylogger is not visible in the task bar, system tray, Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/Windows 7 Task Manager, process viewers (Process Explorer, WinTasks etc.), Start Menu and Windows Startup list.
* Visual surveillance - periodically makes screenshots and stores the compressed images to log.
* Chat monitoring - Ardamax Keylogger is designed to record and monitor both sides of a conversation in following chats:
o Windows Live Messenger 2011
o ICQ 7
o Skype 4
o Yahoo Messenger 10
o Google Talk
o Miranda
o QiP 2010
* Security - allows you to protect program settings, Hidden Mode and Log file.
* Application monitoring - keylogger will record the application that was in use that received the keystroke!
* Time/Date tracking - it allows you to pinpoint the exact time a window received a keystroke!
* Powerful Log Viewer - you can view and save the log as a HTML page or plain text with keylogger Log Viewer.
* Small size – Ardamax Keylogger is several times smaller than other programs with the same features. It has no additional modules and libraries, so its size is smaller and the performance is higher.
* Ardamax Keylogger fully supports Unicode characters which makes it possible to record keystrokes that include characters from Japanese, Chinese, Arabic and many other character sets.
* It records every keystroke. Captures passwords and all other invisible text.

Other Features:

* Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista/Windows 7 support

* Monitors multi-user machines
* Automatic startup
* Friendly interface
* Easy to install

Linkul keyloggerului direct de pe siteul oficial
Invisible keylogger, application launcher and mouse utility download.
Linkul catre licenta : Download CD Key.txt Atentie doar am scurtat url-ul nu este virus scanati si apoi testati daca nu ma credeti.

[FREE] Download Counter-Strike 1.6 Long Horn (2012) The Orange Box


Counter-Strike 1.6 LH 2011 ( ME UCP dhe PA UCP ) - Orange BOX
PC | Install and play | 237 MB

* Protocol 48 Non-Steam
* Exe version (cstrike) FIXED Bug in Vista & 7
* Exe build: (4554)
* SteamID Numeric
* Setti MasterServer 12735 Servers (Play Online)
* Latest REVOLUTION Emulator 9.8.3
* AntiCheats UCP 6.5 ( Ka te Instaluar hazer, skeni nevoj te instaloni
* NEW - LongHorn GUI Version 3 (Graphical User Interface)
Easy to Use & Beauty
* NEW - Backgorund (800x600 - 1024x768) - By: Daniel Luvisi
* NEW - Commander Menu (Game Settings, Mp3 Player, Useful Stuff, Server Stuff, Record Demo)
* NEW - Keyboard Commander (Much More Commanders) - Create Your Personal Config CFG
* NEW - Logo Loading
* NEW - FONTS + Shadow (Much Beauty Better Fonts Quality)
* NEW - GameStartup Song (CS Startup Song)
* NEW - Ico (Counter-Strike.exe)
* NEW - Logo 187
* NEW - Motd (NEW LOGO)
* Added - DemoLoaded Button In GameMenu (Easy To PlayDEMO)
* Added - Option to launch listen server in LAN mode
* Added - FPS & PING Booster
Version 3 CFG
(Much FPS TuneUp)
* Added - Counter-Strike No Force.exe (Play With NonForce Commander No Need Shourtcut -game cstrike)
* Added - 10 Chat Con Colors (Included in Commander Menu)
* Added - Best Config.cfg (Fast Script buy,slot weapons ETC...) + Best Commander Server Settings
* Added - LH Tool's ( Foder | Commander AMX, Console, No Force, Parameters Starter | 11 FIX | 35 CFG Best Player, FPS Booster v2, Tool,Tutorial,)
* FIXED - Bug Serverbrowser with favorites using S.M
* FIXED - sv_lan 0 enforce
* FIXED - Options (Video 32Bits)
* FIXED - VGuy
* FIXED - ScoreBoard "TAB"
* FIXED - Some Bugs (General GUI + Language File)
* Playable on LAN and Internet
* The original character models and weapons
* Steam Account / CD-Key NOT required. Installing, running, playing.
* Half-Life maps are totally removed
* Clean rip from original files with these exceptions
* HLDS and HLTV included and works
* Working Dedicated and Listen server
* Ads are removed
* Easy To Install & Beauty




Click To Download!

BaDBoY – CS 1.6 [Counter Strike Cheat]

Codul conţine: wall, speed şi autoaim.

BaDBoYActivare cod cs BaDBoY v.4.2
1. Dezarhivezi zip-ul
2. Dublu click pe “badboy 4.2″ apoi click pe “load cheat”
3. Porneşte Counter Strike 1.6
4. Pentru a activa codul apasă tasta “End”
5. Pentru a configura codul apasă tasta “Insert” (numai pentru experţi)

Counter-Strike 1.6 Gothic Edition v7.0 [NEW] 2012

Counter-Strike 1.6 Gothic Edition v7.0 2012 este ultima versiune de CS a comunitatii http://www.cs-gothic.ro/ - o versiune imbunatatita, modata, actualizata.
Detalii Counter-Strike 1.6 Gothic Edition v7.0:
- vede toate serverele in lista publica de internet
- adauga serverele la favorite
- are inclus un sprite care va permite sa vedeti foarte bine prin smoke ;)
- are CFG default STEAM + cateva modificari:
[*] - setari antidestroy / antifuckoff
[*] - bunny hop inclus, pe tasta "space"
[*] - Automatic Defuse Cover Message : say_team Acoperiti-ma! Dezamorsez Bomba!
[*] - 3 scripturi de Autobuy arme, bindate pe tastele F1, F2 si F10 (respectiv F1 pentru deagle + munitie, F2 pentru M4A1 / AK-47 + automat helmet, defuzer, he grenade, flashbang si smoke, iar F10 pentru deagle + AWP si ammo pentru ambele)
- CFG-ul este optimizat pentru un lag minim + contine bind pentru Lasere pe tasta V
- daca doriti sa jucati default, cs-ul are inclus cfg-ul original steam; trebuie doar sa tastati in consola: exec steamcfg.cfg ;)
- daca intampinati cumva ceva probleme dupa schimbarea rezolutiei in cs, pur si simplu reporniti cs-ul
- daca vreti sa va schimbati permanent nickul din cs, intrati in folderul cstrike din joc, cautati fisierul config.cfg, dati click dreapta pe el - selectati proprieties, iar acolo, jos la "Attributes" - debifati casuta readonly, apasati ok, apoi deschideti fisierul config.cfg si la linia name adaugati ce nick doriti voi, sau pur si simplu stergeti linia.
- CS-ul versiunea 7.0 2012 by http://www.cs-gothic.ro/ are la baza versiunea de CS Gothic 5.0 (pentru ca a avut cel mai mare succes) si in plus are instalate ultimele patchuri, gui nou, geoIP actualizat si masterservers.vdf actualizat
- am adaugat modelele create de comunitatea http://www.cs-gothic.ro/ pentru: radar, spray-logo, awp, knife, led bomba
- are meniu de conectare rapida la servere + Fav.
- am adaugat boti, care se pot introduce manual in joc pe tasta H
- contine 104 spray-logouri
- are skinuri deosebite pentru tero, counteri, vip, arme, sunete, etc
- textura unor harti cunoscute este apropiata celei din Counter-Strike:Source
- kitul are 462 Mb, pentru ca el contine multe, dar merita pe deplin ;)

Download cs 2012 Link 1 Megaupload | Link 2Shared | Link 3 Gamefront | Link 4 Filebox
Cateva screenshot-uri din Counter-Strike 1.6 Gothic Edition v7.0 2012:
Zoom in (real dimensions: 1280 x 1024)Imagine

Zoom in (real dimensions: 1280 x 1024)Imagine

Zoom in (real dimensions: 639 x 510)Imagine

Zoom in (real dimensions: 639 x 512)Imagine

Zoom in (real dimensions: 640 x 512)Imagine

Zoom in (real dimensions: 639 x 512)Imagine

Zoom in (real dimensions: 639 x 511)Imagine

Zoom in (real dimensions: 639 x 511)Imagine

Zoom in (real dimensions: 727 x 488)Imagine

Zoom in (real dimensions: 639 x 510)Imagine

Zoom in (real dimensions: 638 x 512)Imagine

Zoom in (real dimensions: 638 x 509)Imagine

Have Fun! Astept pareri

Download Counter-Strike 1.6 - PGL version Romania [GRATIS DOWNLOAD]

Counter-Strike 1.6 (PGL version Romania) este un kit de Counter-Strike modificat care este in limba romana.

Nu sunt multe modificari inafara de faptul ca e in limba romana si alte modificari minore.

Download: Click!